
Our Facilities

Research Facilities

research facilities in sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, malaria, multi drug resistant tuberculosis, protein energy malnutrition, occupational disease, & disease developed due to industrial hazards


There is a Library, which houses about 2000+ books of Indian and Foreign prints. Already holding exclusive books on every Homoeopathic subject rarely available in the market, our library is regularly updated. The Institute Library also has various subscribed national and international journals. Students have access to Library during the college hours.


Each department has its own computer and printing facilities, all departments are connected to LAN. The Institute also has broadband connectivity. Students can use internet facility through the computers in the Computer Lab.


All labs are equipped with latest equipments.


Campus is having already having outdoor sporting facilities of Cricket, Football and Volleyball and Indoor gaming facilities of Chess, Table Tennis and Carom Board

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