
The Degree Courses of B.H.M.S (Degree) shall comprise a Course of study consisting of Curriculum and Syllabus provided in these regulations spread over a period of 5.5 Years, including compulsory Internship of one year duration after passing the Final Degree Examination.

Every candidate after passing the final BHMS examination, shall undergo compulsory internship for a period of twelve months as per the procedure laid down in Annexure "A" attached to these regulations.

On successful completion of the internship and on the recommendation of the Principal of the Homoeopathic College concerned, the concerned University shall issue the Degree to such candidates.

Sound Foundation

To function effectively as a Homoeopathic physician a thorough grasp over the medical concept is imperative. For this, the educational process shall be perceived as an integrated evolving process and not merely as an acquisition of a large number of disjointed facts.

A student shall have to pass through a Training procedure which encompasses the above well, right from 1 st BHMS to IV BHMS and also during the intership period.

He shall undergo an education process wherein learning of Facts and Concepts right from 1st year are in a continuity, in an evolutionary & progressive pattern. In 1 st BHMS, Student shall study the fundamental principles of Homoeopathy and will also learn more of applied anatomy than a multitude of minor anatomical details.

In IInd BHMS, a student shall be exposed to very vital concepts susceptibility and symptomatology with Analysis – Evaluation and details of the Homoeopathic concepts, old logic of Homoeopathy. These will attain much deeper significance ( if care is taken by teachers of pathology and Organon Philosophy) when the current knowledge of INFLAMMATION, IMMUNITY, is correlated well with concepts of susceptibility.

In IIIrd BHMS , there is opportunity to fortify the foundation at the best by correlating between Theory of Chronic Dieases and the Patho – Physiological facts on the Gynecology, Surgery and Medicine. A student shall have to be taught the spectrums of various disease in correlation with the spectrum of miasmatic manifestations. He will then be able to use a well concluded EVALUTION ORDER OF Characteristics to derive an operationally valid reportorial Totality.

The knowledge gathered in this pattern will keep him constantly aware of his objectives and his role as a Homoeopathic Physician. The Integration will eliminate the state of confusion. The Therapeutics Actions then will be right and complete, utilizing the full repertories of the Medicinal and Non – Medicinal measures, keeping him up –to-date about all fresh scientific developments and inculcating values of Continuous Medical Education.

Inter Departmental Co-ordination

Essentially, the entire approach becomes an integrated approach. All departments shall develop a cohesive well defined programme which demand marked inter-departmental co – ordination.

It is therefore desirable to have teaching programmes wherein, by rotation each department participates in the teaching co – ordinating well with the other faculties with constant updating and evaluation. The co – ordination has to be in the way as given in the text under each subject inside these Regulations. This will ensure fundamental and exceptional clarity.

Deductive - Inductive Teachings

While teaching, there shall be balance in designing deductive and inductive process in mind. There shall be less emphasis on didactic lectures. Major portion of the time of the students shall be devoted to demonstrations, group discussions, seminars and clinics.

Every attempt shall be made to encourage students to participate in all these to develop his personality, character, expressions and to ensure the grasp over concepts rapidly.

Patient Oriented Teachings

In order to impart the integrated medical education PATIENT has to be in the Centre right from day one of the II nd BHMS.

Importance of social factors in relation to the problem of health and disease shall receive proper emphasis throughout the course and to achieve this objective, the educational process shall be community as well as hospital based.

Based on the above concepts the course of studies as laid these Regulations will help to fulfill these needs. While doing so, the need the hour, past experience in learning and teaching is taken into consideration.

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