
  • Teaching Staff
  • Non-Teaching Staff
  • Hospital Staff
  • Guest Faculty
  • Consultants
  • Principal / Director
  • Research Publication
  • College Council Committee

Teaching Staff

Non-Teaching Staff

Hospital Staff

Guest Faculty


Director or Principal and Medical Superintendant Particulars of Principal / Director

Research Publications

Name of Teacher Journal Vol. Research Article published
Dr. K. Z. Patil International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Analytical Research (ISSN No.-2454---776X) Vol-III Homoeopathic Management of Bronchial Asthma in Geriatric age Group 
Dr. K. Z. Patil  Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical innovation  (ISSN-2347-8136@2018) Vol-5 Understanding and study of Miasms while Management of Iron deficiency Anemia in children  
Dr. K. Z. Patil  International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Analytical Research (ISSN No.-2454---776X) Vol-IV Management of Male Infertility case with Homoeopathy

College Council Committee

(Constituted as per CCH-MSR-2013)

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